But it is not for you to tell its time.[[ Another possible translation: “What is this question? You ˹O Prophet˺ are one of its signs.” It is believed—based on authentic narrations from the Prophet—that he (ﷺ) is one of the signs of the Day of Judgment. ]]
3 Ruwwad Translation Center
How could you possibly mention that?
4 A. J. Arberry
What art thou about, to mention it?
5 Abdul Haleem
saying, ‘When will it arrive?’, but how can you tell [them that]?
6 Abdul Majid Daryabadi
Wherein art thou concerred with the declaration thereof!
7 Abdullah Yusuf Ali
Wherein art thou (concerned) with the declaration thereof?
8 Abul Ala Maududi
What concern do you have to speak about that?
9 Ahmed Ali
What do you have to do with explaining it?
10 Ahmed Raza Khan
What concern do you have regarding its explanation? (You are not bound to tell them)
11 Ali Quli Qarai
considering your frequent mention of it?”
12 Ali Ünal
But how could you have knowledge about its time,
13 Amatul Rahman Omar
Why (do they ask this question)? It is you who are its reminder (you being one of its signs).
14 English Literal
In what you are from mentioning/remembering it (what do you know about it or its time)?
15 Faridul Haque
What concern do you have regarding its explanation? (You are not bound to tell them)
16 Hamid S. Aziz
"What," ask they, "have you to say about it?"
17 Hilali & Khan
You have no knowledge to say anything about it,
18 Maulana Mohammad Ali
To thy Lord is the goal of it.
19 Mohammad Habib Shakir
About what! You are one to remind of it.
20 Mohammed Marmaduke William Pickthall
Why (ask they)? What hast thou to tell thereof?
21 Muhammad Sarwar
(Muhammad), you do not know (when and how) it will come.
22 Qaribullah & Darwish
But how are you to know?
23 Safi-ur-Rahman al-Mubarakpuri
What do you have to mention of it.
24 Wahiduddin Khan
what have you to do with the mentioning of it?
25 Talal Itani
You have no knowledge of it.
26 Tafsir jalalayn
What have you to do with the mention of it?, in other words, you have no knowledge of it in order to mention it.
27 Tafseer Ibn Kathir
إِلَى رَبِّكَ مُنتَهَاهَا
القرآن الكريم - النازعات٧٩ :٤٣ An-Nazi'at 79:43 Es-Sahira, Et-Tomma