وَجَاوَزْنَا بِبَنِيْٓ اِسْرَاۤءِيْلَ الْبَحْرَ فَاَتَوْا عَلٰى قَوْمٍ يَّعْكُفُوْنَ عَلٰٓى اَصْنَامٍ لَّهُمْ ۚقَالُوْا يٰمُوْسَى اجْعَلْ لَّنَآ اِلٰهًا كَمَا لَهُمْ اٰلِهَةٌ ۗقَالَ اِنَّكُمْ قَوْمٌ تَجْهَلُوْنَ ( الأعراف: ١٣٨ )
Wa jaawaznaa bi Banneee Israaa'eelal bahra fa ataw 'alaa qawminy ya'kufoona 'alaaa asnaamil lahum; qaaloo yaa Moosaj'al lanaa ilaahan kamaa lahum aalihah; qaala innakum qawmun tajhaloon (al-ʾAʿrāf 7:138)
English Sahih:
And We took the Children of Israel across the sea; then they came upon a people intent in devotion to [some] idols of theirs. They [the Children of Israel] said, "O Moses, make for us a god just as they have gods." He said, "Indeed, you are a people behaving ignorantly. (Al-A'raf [7] : 138)
Ma Jian (Simplified):
我曾使以色列的后裔渡过海去。当他们经过一伙崇拜偶像的民众时,他们说:“穆萨啊!请你为我们设置一个神灵,犹如他们有许多神灵一样。”他说:“你们确是无知的民众。 (高处 [7] : 138)