فَرِحِيۡنَ بِمَاۤ اٰتٰٮهُمُ اللّٰهُ مِنۡ فَضۡلِهٖ ۙ وَيَسۡتَبۡشِرُوۡنَ بِالَّذِيۡنَ لَمۡ يَلۡحَقُوۡا بِهِمۡ مِّنۡ خَلۡفِهِمۡۙ اَ لَّا خَوۡفٌ عَلَيۡهِمۡ وَلَا هُمۡ يَحۡزَنُوۡنَۘ(آل عمران :170)
Fariheena bima atahumu Allahu min fadlihi wayastabshiroona biallatheena lam yalhaqoo bihim min khalfihim alla khawfun 'alayhim wala hum yahzanoona
Sahih International:
Rejoicing in what Allah has bestowed upon them of His bounty, and they receive good tidings about those [to be martyred] after them who have not yet joined them - that there will be no fear concerning them, nor will they grieve.
يَسۡتَبۡشِرُوۡنَ بِنِعۡمَةٍ مِّنَ اللّٰهِ وَفَضۡلٍۙ وَّاَنَّ اللّٰهَ لَا يُضِيۡعُ اَجۡرَ الۡمُؤۡمِنِيۡنَ(آل عمران :171)
Yastabshiroona bini'matin mina Allahi wafadlin waanna Allaha la yudee'u ajra almumineena
Sahih International:
They receive good tidings of favor from Allah and bounty and [of the fact] that Allah does not allow the reward of believers to be lost -
Complete Indexing of Quran Topics
We have indexed and found 2 verses about or related to (including the word(s)) "Martyr, rejoice in Grace and Bounty from Allah".
For your information, the verses as described above: