سَبِّحِ اسْمَ رَبِّكَ الْاَعْلَىۙ ( الأعلى: ١ )
Exalt the name of your Lord, the Most High,
الَّذِيْ خَلَقَ فَسَوّٰىۖ ( الأعلى: ٢ )
Who created and proportioned
وَالَّذِيْ قَدَّرَ فَهَدٰىۖ ( الأعلى: ٣ )
And who destined and [then] guided
وَالَّذِيْٓ اَخْرَجَ الْمَرْعٰىۖ ( الأعلى: ٤ )
And who brings out the pasture
فَجَعَلَهٗ غُثَاۤءً اَحْوٰىۖ ( الأعلى: ٥ )
And [then] makes it black stubble.
سَنُقْرِئُكَ فَلَا تَنْسٰىٓ ۖ ( الأعلى: ٦ )
We will make you recite, [O Muhammad], and you will not forget,
اِلَّا مَا شَاۤءَ اللّٰهُ ۗاِنَّهٗ يَعْلَمُ الْجَهْرَ وَمَا يَخْفٰىۗ ( الأعلى: ٧ )
Except what Allah should will. Indeed, He knows what is declared and what is hidden.
وَنُيَسِّرُكَ لِلْيُسْرٰىۖ ( الأعلى: ٨ )
And We will ease you toward ease.
فَذَكِّرْ اِنْ نَّفَعَتِ الذِّكْرٰىۗ ( الأعلى: ٩ )
So remind, if the reminder should benefit;
سَيَذَّكَّرُ مَنْ يَّخْشٰىۙ ( الأعلى: ١٠ )
He who fears [Allah] will be reminded.
القرآن الكريم: | الأعلى |
Ayah Sajadat (سجدة): | - |
Surah Name (latin): | Al-A'la |
Chapter: | 87 |
Surah Alias: | - |
Surah Title: | The Most High |
Number of verses: | 19 |
Total Words: | 72 |
Total Characters: | 291 |
Number of Rukūʿs: | 1 |
Classification (Revelation Location): | Meccan |
Revelation Order: | 8 |
Starting from verse: | 5948 |