Min Fir'awn; innahoo kaana 'aaliyam minal musrifeen
From Pharaoh. Indeed, he was a haughty one among the transgressors.
Wa laqadikh tarnaahum 'alaa 'ilmin 'alal 'aalameen
And We certainly chose them by knowledge over [all] the worlds.
Wa aatainaahum minal aayaati maa feehi balaaa'um mubeen
And We gave them of signs that in which there was a clear trial.
Inna haaa'ulaaa'i la yaqooloon
Indeed, these [disbelievers] are saying,
In hiya illaa mawtatunal oolaa wa maa nahnu bimun shareen
"There is not but our first death, and we will not be resurrected.
Faatoo bi aabaaa'inaaa inkuntum saadiqeen
Then bring [back] our forefathers, if you should be truthful."
Ahum khayrun am qawmu Tubba'inw wallazeena min qablihim; ahlaknaahum innahum kaanoo mujrimeen
Are they better or the people of Tubba' and those before them? We destroyed them, [for] indeed, they were criminals.
Wa maa khalaqnas samaawaati wal arda wa maa baina humaa laa'ibeen
And We did not create the heavens and earth and that between them in play.
Maa khalaqnaahumaaa illaa bilhaqqi wa laakinna aksarahum laa ya'lamoon
We did not create them except in truth, but most of them do not know.
Inna yawmal fasli meeqaatuhum ajma'een
Indeed, the Day of Judgement is the appointed time for them all –